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TDM Week 2024!

Posted on September 12, 2024

TDM Week is Sept. 16-20! What is TDM and why is it important? Glad you asked!

Transportation Demand Management (TDM) uses strategies to inform and encourage travelers to maximize our transportation system’s efficiency, leading to improved mobility, reduced congestion, and lower vehicle emission levels. TDM aims to provide all people with transportation options that enable them to travel in an affordable, efficient, sustainable, and even more enjoyable way.

According to the Association of Commuter Transportation, some effective TDM strategies can include:

  • Employer access to the federal Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit for employee commute expenses (i.e. pre-tax purchasing, subsidies)
  • Incentives (gift cards, no-cost transit passes etc.) and gamification
  • Strategic pricing of parking, tolls, transit etc. for the purpose of encouraging non-drive alone trips
  • Carpooling and vanpooling
  • Trip planning & ridematching
  • Parking management and pricing
  • Use of high-occupancy vehicle (HOV)/High-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes
  • Promotion and support of telecommuting, remote & hybrid work schedules
  • Marketing, outreach, and education to inform people about sustainable transportation options
  • Support of bicycle & pedestrian infrastructure and programming (i.e. an office bicycle-share program)

Governor Inslee has proclaimed September 16-20 as Transportation Demand Management Awareness Week! Part of the proclamation below states that “all residents are encouraged, when possible, to consider an alternative commute option and support local TDM initiatives within their communities to reduce congestion, reduce their carbon footprint and improve air quality...”

At Choose Your Way Bellevue, are proud to be working on TDM initiatives in Bellevue. We hope you join us in celebrating everything that TDM offers our city! Find more information on the Choose Your Way Bellevue program and how we can help you travel affordably, efficiently, sustainably and enjoyably at

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