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Personalized Commute Assistance

Leave the planning to us. Use our Commute Assistance Request form to tell us your schedule and travel route, and we’ll create a customized commute plan for free — no commitment required.

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Log your Trips, Earn Rewards

It’s a win-win. Through Choose Your Way Bellevue Rewards, you can earn rewards by logging non-drive-alone trips. Be eligible for drawings, get gift cards to local businesses through our Perks program, or have a chance to see your commute story featured in our newsletter. New: Give up your paid monthly parking and count your paid daily parking as a logged trip!

Learn More

Plan Your Trip

Planning travel is easy! Just let a trip planning tool do the work. Plug in where you want to go and get detailed maps, schedules and transit arrival times, as well as information like calories burned and money saved.

Ride Hailing

Ride hailing services are the perfect solution when you’re in a pinch — they mesh seamlessly with other ways to get around. When rain disrupts your biking plans or you miss your vanshare connection, hail a ride to cover the travel gaps. Call or use an app to hail taxis, Lyft, or Uber

Calculate Your Commute Cost

Attention, number crunchers. What’s the true cost of owning an automobile? How much are your travel choices impacting the environment? Find out how much your commute costs using Commute Solutions' Commute Cost Calculator.

Additional information:

Explore Teleworking

Hello pajama pants. Goodbye, traffic. Teleworking (working from home) and alternative work schedules have become increasingly popular — for good reason. Employees save money, increase their productivity and decrease stress. Plus, fewer cars on the road during peak commute times makes traveling a better experience for everyone.

Know your options.

  • Teleworking cuts out the commute and gives you back valuable time.
  • A compressed work week means working longer hours over fewer days.
  • Flextime allows scheduling flexibility around work start and stop times. Workers can commute outside of peak periods and reduce traffic and their time on the road.


The benefits:

  • Employees experience increased productivity and decreased stress while saving money.
  • Employers see improved retention, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and expanded geographic access to skilled workers.
  • Communities experience reduced vehicle traffic and emissions.

No teleworking program at your place of work? Tell your employer about King County’s Telework page, which offers assistance to help businesses create telework programs and implement flexible scheduling options.

Apps & Technology

Using Bing Maps’ directions function with the transit tab selected gives step-by-step route directions for taking public transit to help plan your trip. The app will tell you where to get on and where to get off the bus. Bing Maps can also help you easily measure the distance of a route (which can be helpful when planning a walking or biking route).

Desktop version also available.

Citymapper provides real-time transportation arrival times, trip planning, and maps to help you compare modal options for getting from A to B by transit, foot, bicycle, or ride hailing. It even includes times to get to and use the closed available dockless bike share bike. It can save trip information for quick reference and has a “meet me” feature to make sharing directions easy. The app also tracks calories burned, trees preserved, and money saved.

Desktop version also available.

If you usually commute by non-drive-alone mode but need to drive and park on occasion, you may find it convenient to use a parking app to easily compare parking prices and locations of various lots/garages, to save time and money.

Transit provides trip planning with easily comparable route options and real-time bus location information. The app includes information on ride hailing (such as Uber and Lyft), carshare (Car2Go, available in Seattle) and bike share options, in addition to local transit agencies. Transit also provides step-by-step navigation, including alerts to pick up the pace if you're in danger of missing your bus!

You’re already viewing the Choose Your Way Bellevue website, which convenes tools and information to help you get around Bellevue sustainably. The platform now has a mobile app that puts this content at your fingertips-use the app to learn about and plan your travel, log your trips and earn rewards! 


Using Google Maps’ directions function with the transit tab selected gives step-by-step route directions for riding public transit. The app will tell you where to get on and off the bus, as well as time and distance for walking to and from transit stops. Google Maps can also help you easily measure the distance of a route (which can be helpful when planning a walking or biking route). Another feature is that you can program your route (via walk, bike, car or transit) through your Google account, for help monitoring your daily commute. The app will tell you when to leave the house on a given day as well as informing you of potential delays and suggesting alternate routes.

Desktop version also available.

Try the new and improved Puget Sound Trip Planner, it now includes upgraded accessibility features and a responsive design for mobile users, along with a list of other notable enhancements. Plan your transit trips around the Puget Sound region; the tool gives you step-by-step instructions for using transit to get from your trip’s start location to its end. The app version combines regional trip planning with real-time arrivals, and provides route and schedule information with map views. Includes bus, train, light rail, streetcar, ferry, water taxi and the Monorail.

Desktop version also available.