Choose Your Way Bellevue Rewards: 2023 in Review
Posted on January 25, 2024
With the new year already here, comes time for reflecting on 2023. We’ve looked at all the trips Choose Your Way Bellevue (CYWB) commuters have logged within the past year and we’ve broken it down by the number of mode trips. It's been quite a year for CYWB commuters!
You've managed to log impressive travel mode trips and here is the breakdown:
21,474 Bus
14,317 Telework
9,415 Carpool
4,774 Bike
3,442 walking
1,825 Vanpool
That's a big deal, not to mention some big savings compared to driving alone!
459,544 pounds of carbon dioxide saved
23,787 gallons of gas saved
$179,000 in monetary savings
You've been quite interested in finding ride matches as well, with just over 47,000 ridematch requests sent!
Note: You can learn how to create a ridematch with our handy infographic!
Don’t forget to continue logging your trips by signing up or logging in at Our “Return-to-Travel campaign is offering a guaranteed $50 reward to all participants who log 25 days of non-drive-alone travel (other than telework or compressed work week) in Bellevue! Reward types include Spotify, Hulu and REI. Check it out and get logging!
Let’s build on the success of 2023 and make 2024 an even better year for non-drive-alone modes in Bellevue – thank you CYWB commuters!
-Choose Your Way staffer Jake